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accounts.Olibith's Never Stay Tuned series is more than just a collection
of videos. The original series has come to be an institution, filled with
fun, glory, and legend! Olibith has created the finest collection of
parody and culture references in the machinima world. He's now back with
the last installment Never Stay Tuned 4.
The guest list featured in Never Stay Tuned 4 is a wonderful nod to the
work Olibith has done. You'll see work by Baron Soosdon, Ian Beckman, the
AFK pl@yers, Pinkhair, and Goldskin. Each has brought unique aspect to the
work, and the vast collaboration has created something epic. You'll
probably recognize the unique styles, but there's an itemized credit at
the end.
Never Stay Tuned 4 was as hilarious as the first ones in the series. Now,
if you didn't like those previous videos, then chances are that the fourth
installment won't radically change your mind. There's quite a few jokes
and gags in the video that are a little rough or tawdry, and a few spots
of nudity and violence, which will also affect your opinion.
The entire video is incredibly well done, with absolutely amazing graphic
work. Go to the effort to check it out, but take your time do so: the
video clocks in over 18 minutes.
Patch 3.2 brought with it three new tiers of gear, corresponding to the
various difficulty settings available for the Trial of the Crusader raid.
The items coming out of the 25-man heroic version, at item level 258, are
leaps and bounds above what was available in Ulduar -- and if you thought
that those were pretty good, you're in for an even bigger surprise if you
manage to complete the dungeon's tribute run.
Boubouille, head of the Data Miners' Guild and captain of the starship
MMO-Champion, pulled the full list of loot available in the raid from the
official Armory site. Players who accomplish the feat of completing the
full heroic 25-man dungeon without wiping once will receive a chest with
one of several ilvl 272 cloaks in it.
At ilvl 272, these cloaks are the best items in the game
. Even ignoring their item level, they're extremely well-itemized, and
offer something for even some oft-ignored specs ... even Elemental
Shamans, thank God. And with the next-highest item level being 258, the
cloaks are a full tier above the heroic 25-man's gear. To put that into
perspective, moving from 10-man Ulduar to 25-man Ulduar is only a jump of
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