วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Lower Back Exercises Are Great For Easing Back Pain

Lower back exercises are really important for the health of your spine.
They help you build a strong lower back which is the backbone of a good
physique. Targeted exercises are one of the best conservative methods of
treating lower back pain. Lower back exercises, in particular can help to
strengthen this part of the body, thus warding off problems in the region.
If you want to stop your back pain or prevent the development of back pain
a steady routine of lower back exercises is the answer.


Muscles are the spine's main defence against gravity. Muscles that
frequently receive oxygen-rich blood stay healthier, they receive this
oxygen-rich blood through exercise. Those that are weak will be poorly
co-ordinated and tire easily, and will be unable to protect the spine from
damage. However, muscles that are strong and supple will be able to work
longer without tiring, and give the spine the protection it needs.


Strengthening the muscles that support the spine with exercises, can
prevent, reduce and even eliminate back pain. Shortened muscles can throw
the spine out of alignment, the muscles involved can be back, buttocks,
and even hamstrings (back of thigh muscles) or quadriceps (front of thigh
muscles), can affect the alignment of the spine. Stretching the back with
stretching exercises also increases mobility of the joints of the spine.


The primary goals of an exercise program for your spine are to make the
muscles of your back, stomach, hips and thighs strong and flexible thereby
reducing the pressure on your spinal discs. The lower back muscles work
with the abdominal muscles in order to keep the spine stable, improve
sports performance, and decrease the risk of injury or back pain. So, I
recommend that you include back exercises in your workout to balance the
strength between your abs and back, and to support your spine and posture.
The lower part of your spine supports the upper part of your body, so it
must be kept strong and healthy.

Lower back exercises are important for overall core strength, yet so many
people neglect the lower back muscles in their core training routine.
These exercises will improve your posture and help you to stop slouching.
They will also help to make everyday activities a lot easier, allowing
more energy to have fun. When properly implemented and given some thought
the use of lower back exercises to relieve lower back pain can be a
pleasant and beneficial experience to a pain free back.

